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Memorial to Charles Harrison.
Memorial to Charles Harrison.
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Charles Frederick Harrison, the first, the last, the only
Once upon a time, there was a school teacher named Benjamin F. Harrison
who met a school teacher named Mrytle Ruby. They fell madly in love and married.
note: back of this picture reads: "That is a firecracker I have in my mouth"..well of course it is
Years later, all 9.5 lbs. of Charles arrives to estatic parents via exhausted stork.
Happy new Papa
Happy new Mama
"April 26, 1925, Dear Mr. Ruby, Just a line to tell you about how it all happened"
"Mrytle got a little excited at noon, at 7 we phoned for the Doctor, he and the nurse got here at 10
"and the boy came at 11."..."The boy, Charles Frederick, is a 9 1/2 lb dandy."
"The Charles is for you and the Frederick is for my older brother."...Ben
(note: BFH uses a lower case "x" instead of a period for punctuation)
Thatsa long baby! CFH at 3 months
CFH at 5 months
BFH with 10 mth CFH
MBRH with 10 mth CFH - pure joy!
Back of pic: "Two white dogs are fighting across the street and I like dogs."
"Daddy snapped this picture before I could tear my eyes away."
Obligatory sailor suit shot...cutie at 12 mths
New on the scene are little brother Benjamin, Jr. on lap of visiting Grandfather, Charles Ruby
Brother Ben and Brother Charles doing brother stuff (CFH around 48 mth)
Wearing Papa's clothes. Fitting oddly well on a 6 year old boy!
Reach fer it. CFH (huge Tom Mix fan)
Brother Robert makes the third Harrison Boys (well before age CF and BJr put him in a hole to China)
Handsome Harrisons
Family of Five...not for long. Look at those long legs on CFH even then!
Family of Six with addition of sister, Nancy. MBRH's brother Earl and Boy Scout Chuck.
Don't mess with the Harrisons. Nancy on mom's lap, Ben with a really big gun...
with Bob draped on Uncle Earl and Chuck with more hair than head.
note: what's with the adults' gazing-off-into-the-distance poses in these group photos?(!)
CFH at 144 mth and 145 mth. Beautiful boy.
On back it reads: Charles 13, Ben 11. Ready to go out to Boy Scout Camp. Mother's Day 1938."
School Days - 2nd grade (teacher looks ready for school to be over!)
School Days - 3rd grade (teacher much less grouchy looking!)
School Days - 5th grade. CFH temporarily not as tall.
The Fantastic Four. A wonderful picture!
Chuck was a magician. He was so good, he even tricked himself!
note: last two pictures were taken by good friend CB Henderson who was trying trick photography.
Said he never regretted not pursuing magic but he found a lot of coins behind our ears growing up.
Off to high school and football. Check those hands and legs. A leather helmet needs a hard head!
Lettered in football actually.
The handsome graduate of Pleasant Grove High.
He continued to be fun!
CF found this in his luggage. Writes he carried it throughout his service & it was of great comfort
WWII beckons. CF wrote that he could not enter the service when he graduated as he had turned 17
..just the month before. So he enlisted in the enlisted reserves for a call-up when he turned 18
Rough training in Miami where hotels were turned into barracks!
Mechanic and gunner. Good he was mechanically inclined then..don't remember him being a Mr. Fix It!
Thank you for your service.
Resuming life where he'd left off -
Frat Boy
Sig Eps in front of their house.
Happens upon a fair young freshman and the dance begins...
By then all three Harrison brothers are at OKlah. A&M. CFH and LPC are an item.
Love of the highest degree.
Senior Year
The Graduate
Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Harrison
Harrisons, Mosleys, Claypools all
One year later -
LCH on Beauty and Circus Boy on Pal-O-Mine
Possibly the getaway pic. after having put baby chicks on all neighbors' porches on Easter?
After 7 blissful years of marriage, buckle your seatbelts, it's BABY TIME!
But we were sooo cute....briefly.
Goin' to church Easter finest.
Ah, those carefree childfree days!
Merry Christmas sixties-style!
Big promotion and move from Tulsa to the City...Oklahoma that is.
And from Oklahoma City to Naperville Illinois. Mosley/Harrison vacation to the Indiana Dunes - fun!
King of the Basement Den. He would wear that robe for decades.
A turnip and two flowers growing in the wild
Now another major promotion brings us to Houston, Texas. Hail to you Pop Our King -clowning for pic
Another year, another Father's Day. Hail to ye, 'ol Pop Our King...well that's what the crown read.
Here's hoping the negatives were destroyed. CF blamed hair loss on kids; and rays from outer space..
Send the lad up to cut down the 100ft pine tree! Dad holds the ladder!
Mom sawing wood in sandals with Dad on other side of saw? It's good to be the photographer.
Series 1 of Chuck in Repose. A world class napper at work.
Series 2 of Chuck in Repose. A man and his dog...and a impressively floral loveseat.
A man and his cat. Chuck and cats got along...chiefly cause they couldn't get away!
A man and his puppet.
Friend and brother-in-law, Mose, and his adored nephews, Greg and Steve.
Last kid is graduating and a beautiful new daughter(in law) has been added to the family
A man and his really big flower.
Son with his father - last picture together
A huge fan of popcorn - this was the best gift everrrr.
note:wearing popcorn baskets on his head were not able to save his hair from rays from outer space.
At last - time to travel
and travel
and still more travel
A man and his chair
Time to gather together - Bo and Mose's anniversary celebration - great moment in time
GPa's in love - love fest between CF and Scott - 1st of 4 grandchildren
Time for Thanksgiving beachhouses at Galveston - such great fun with family and friends
Gather- Mosleys, Harrisons, Taylors - ice storm - electricity out - nothing will stop family photo!
A Gpa is born
Just Married - 40 years ago - wonderful anniversary celebration
GPaw with his first grandpuppy
GPa gifting Scott and June with his love for reading
Gather - Christmas' together forever in our hearts.
Just Married - 50 years ago - anniversary celebration all together at Lilly House with..
Yes, CF was a gift to us all
wonderful food,
and musical revue of the first 50
CF with much beloved lovely daughter-in-law and her sweet mother
And more gatherings - CF with adored nephew Steve
And more gatherings-CF and adored nephew, Greg, regard one another with their special bond of humor
and son
Father and son, blind leading the blind Christmas eve assemblage
Papa and daughter
CFH's Halloween decor were legendary in the neighborhood. 'Specially that year they caught fire!
Wise, witty, well-read
treasure box
GPa's treasure box from Matt filled with treasures they'd found on their adventures
GPa tells Matt that he hides it under his bed because pirates come around hunting for it
"Are we going to be friends forever?", asked Piglet. "Even longer.", Pooh answered
CF worked 35+ years for companies that became Exxon, retired as the EEO Advisor for Exxon USA
He then started his own consulting company, after a few years, he really actually retired.
He ate at James Coney Island so often while working downtown, JCI presented him with an award cert.
We asked what he did at work, he always said,"I write letters, talk on the phone and go to meetings"
GPa and June and pumpykins
GPa and his beloved Natalie
GPa, GMa, GJune
GPa and MD - Buds at first sight
Spinning tales of wonder
Pooh sticks.
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
GPa knows all about what's fun
GPa and MD
Korean war claims brother Ben Jr.
GPa, by GPa
GPa and his darling Natalie
GPa and June
Greg, Steve and the Grand Geet
Charles - son, cousin, brother, husband, uncle, Papa, GPa, friend
Brother CF with sister Nancy, adored nephew Ben and sweet Blaise
Sublimely silly and kind
Endlessly imaginative
Lucky GPa, lucky GChildren
GPa and Try
Intelligent, honorable, gentleman
..whose remembrance gives light in the world..
Just Married - 60 years ago - they decided to reup the contract in front of friends and family
60th celebration - Uncle Chuck (aka-The Grand Geet) with nephews Greg and Steve
Pooh sticks.
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